The general consensus was that the show went really well this year. The general layout of tents and tables was perfect! Having the extra tent (Mike’s tent was 20×32) really gave us the extra room we needed for a nice greeting area. The greeting area was warm and welcoming with arrangements, quilts, as well as the membership table our scrapbooks and a display of Lorne’s awards. Darrell had set up his 10×10 gazebo to clearly mark the entrance which worked until the wind came up and we had to put up the tent walls and move the entrance to the east side but the volunteers and our members made quick work of reorganizing it. Next year we might think about putting up the side walls right from the start.
Terri-Lynn and Ron Dodd’s tent was used for staging the entries and Lorne & Deb made sure that all the supplies were available including a separate table for the show books and classification books, green containers, buckets of water, oasis, pruners, scissors, pens, etc. There were lots of people available to help staging and/or identifying blooms for those who needed the help. We had 37 tables, and it was sure nice to have those extra tables in the staging area!
After the staging was over, this area was transformed into the area for arranging the bouquets and flowers for selling. Shirley, Terri-Lynn and others did such a good job in organizing the flowers for sale. It was nice that this area was off to the side and out of the way of the guests.
The easels that Darrell made for the photo contest were perfect and Wendy did such a good job of displaying the photos that Terri-Lynn judged. Photos were submitted by email to Deb Hatt who forwarded them to Wendy who, then, printed them off. There were at least 100 photos submitted and 41 photos won 1st, 2nd or gold. Follow this link for the u-tube presentation showing all the photos and winners:
Shirley and Terri-Lynn (and other helpers) set up the quilt display which was a HUGE hit. Everyone loved the beautiful quilts and it was so nice that Shirley brought props to add to the display. Many thanks to the guys who helped hang the quilts and were on hand to help in any way that we asked.
We have such a GREAT group of volunteers: Maxine, Bev, Marie, Gloria, Glenda, Marg Rumsey, Floyd and Clarence. Our members who deserve credit for 100% effort and who form the core of our group deserve recognition too: Shirley, Terri-Lynn & Ron Dodd, Darrell and Deb Hatt, Mike Walliser, Melody Friesen, Herb Noyes, Marilyn & Lorne McArthur, John Henderson.
Terri-Lynn and Ron Dodd provided the lunch for the exhibitors and visitors on Friday and Saturday and members and visitors alike commented how nice this was.
Deb had all the judging forms organized and had set up the judging teams. All went fairly well but some people were confused about the judging, so it was suggested that next year Deb (or whoever) give more instructions for the judging teams. Deb’s sister, Deanna Shoup, came and did the calligraphy on the winner’s cards. Eileen had provided all the ribbons which she has done for many years.
Last year the triples were in a separate class which proved to be a big headache. This year we kept the triples in with the size/form class where they belonged and then we took all the first-place winners out and set them on a separate table to be judged for best triple. This went much better than last year.
The weather was hot, 31 degrees on Friday and a little cooler on Saturday. Last year was very hot as well and we had a hornet problem but this year there were no hornets and we had lots of shade for people to sit and visit.
Shirley, on behalf of our club, presented special awards (books and willow wall decorations) to the following people:
Reg and Marlene for being our inspiration
Vern & Judy Stephens from BC for coming the greatest distance with blooms to put in the show
Dave Stephenson for most ribbons and wins in the show
Wendy Kingsmith for the newby with the least chance of winning. She has never entered before and submitted two blooms and made it to the head table
Herb Noyes for the most reluctant exhibitor and also most good-natured and helpful
Lorne & Marilyn McArthur for being the heart of the club.
Shirley brought her trailer and parked it in the trees at the trial garden as did Terri-Lynn and Ron Dodd. Brian and Dawn McArthur pulled their trailer out right beside the tents and Deb stayed in their trailer and watched and listened for deer and intruders.
We had more general public visitors than ever and we think it is because of the advertising and the big, new sign at the road. Mike Walliser and Cathy Fielden took on the advertising role this year and this was one of the new club purchases. The only suggestion was that the flower show flyer could be distributed a bit earlier next year.
This year we hosted the NAGC Western International Convention along with the Canadian Glad Society and we had several out of town guests from these clubs. Our visitors from the NAGC and Canadian Glad Society said that the show was very relaxed and enjoyable and well organized. Reg said that there were lots of people to ‘go for’ stuff that was needed and that the staging area was well stocked. Apparently the two societies have shied away from having Summer Conferences but they were so impressed by ours that they will use our show as the gold standard. The American guests especially liked that they were asked to be involved in judging and making arrangements. The group really liked that Melody took them on a tour of the city and her own beautiful yard. Ken Jensen and Eileen Grant should be commended for all their work in organizing the convention and the accommodations and events for our visitors. The convention included two banquets in Red Deer. After the show the group went on a 3-day bus tour to Alberta areas of interest and by the time they go home they will have visited six member’s gardens.