Our 2023 annual flower show was held on August 25 and 26, 2023 and, as usual, mother nature smiled on us with warm temperatures and sunny weather. The big tent had been set up earlier for the ‘Summer Celebration’ so, on Thursday August 24 the crew, headed by Mike Walliser and Ron Dodd, set up two more big tents and Brian McArthur added his smaller canopy tent as well. The tables had been set up earlier too so while Deb staged the tables Shirley Cullum worked on hanging all the quilts aided by her trusty helpers, Clarence and Herb. Shirley had made an awesome tripod hanger from birch poles with a picture frame hanging in the middle featuring a hanging arrangment. It was all beautiful!
Last minute adjustments were made Friday morning and then the flurry of staging entries was underway! It is always enjoyable to see all the beautiful entries and gratifying to see the tables fill up. Our volunteers were kept busy running to and fro with submissions and keeping the tables organized. Ron Dodd laid out a delicious light lunch for everyone and Deb Hatt instructed the judges and scribes and then the judging began at 1:30. Meanwhile Wendy Kingsmith was arranging the photo display to be judged by viewers choice.

Our awesome volunteers Maxine and Diane Gunter were kept busy writing the names on the winner’s cards and after the main judging was done the special judging teams had the hard job of choosing the head table winners. We saved the gladiolus judging for Lorne and Reg because everyone wanted to learn from them. We all tidied up the tables in time for the public to come at 3 pm. Shirley, Terri-Lynn and others had been busy making bouquets to sell and when the public started coming sales were brisk. This year they encouraged people to choose their own flowers and filler and the ladies made up the bouquet for them. The next day (Saturday) Wendy Kingsmith announced that the viewer’s choice winner of the photo contest was Shirley Cullum. The day was open to the public from 10 am to 4 pm and Deb and Terri-Lynn took photos and made sure all the entries were recorded correctly. Clean-up went very smoothly and quickly and Mike was very pleased that taking down the tents took only an hour and thanked all the volunteers who were there.