2024 Rumsey Show

The Rumsey Red Deer River Garden Club had their 79th annual Garden Show on Aug 28, 2024.  It is always on the last Wednesday of August.  Participation in this show, like many other garden shows, has been declining in the last few years.  However, the Alberta Dahlia and Glad Society has committed to showing and judging and it is only one of the two sanctioned dahlia and glad shows in Alberta so it is important to us.  Our club members brought most (if not all) of the dahlias and glads and some of the garden entries too.  Marilyn McArthur brought several vegetable entries and won many of the awards, her entries proved and showed what an awesome gardener she is.  Lorne came with Marilyn this year and helped judge both dahlias and glads.  Deb could not judge dahlias or glads because she is apprenticing as an Alberta Horticulture judge and she was judging the other categories.  Shirley Cullum is usually combining (farming) but she was able to come with many entries.  Terri-Lynn Dodd won most of the top awards for points including the ‘King of the Show’ with a perfect “Coralie”.   Shirley Cullum won the best glad spike with “Polar Bear”. The Rumsey club provided us with lunch and then there was a wonderful supper following.