Garden Tour – Progressive lunch event August 27, 2021

This garden tour has been a long time coming!  We are meeting at Deb & Darrell Hatt’s at 10 am on Aug 27, 2021 (Friday) for coffee and muffins, leaving at 11:15 for the 40 minute drive to Evan and Shirley Cullum’s just east of Three Hills. Here we will have a hearty salad and Shirley will do a presentation of the prizes from the flower show.  We will leave Shirley’s farm at 2:30 to go to Terri-Lynn and Ron Dodd’s farm which will take 20 minutes and Terri-Lynn will have dessert for us.  We will wrap it up there around 4 pm.  You can bring you lawn chairs if you want but not required.  A map to the Hatt’s acreage is attached.  23380 RR 374, County of Red Deer.   NW corner of Delburne. Call 403-392-2159 if you get lost and I will pin you the location.