2023 Rumsey 78th Annual Garden Show Aug 30, 2023

It is always an early morning on the day of Rumsey Garden show with exhibits allowed from 8 am to 10:30. Many years ago The Alberta Dahlia and Glad Society committed to judging the dahlias and glads so many of us bring glads and dahlias to the show and stay all day for the program and awards.   

Terri-Lynn Dodd is a director of the show and brings a lot of dahlias.  She and Ron Dodd can grow the most amazing dahlias on their local farm and she is a director of the club as well.   As such they won the most awards for dahlias including the King of the Show (Tsuki Yori No Shisha) a beautiful laciniated white giant. Lorne & Marilyn brought a lot of glads (and dahlias) and they won the aggregate total for glads including the best spike of the show (Purple Flora).  Other entries from our club were John Henderson, Debbie Hatt, Mike Walliser and Lorne & Marilyn McArthur.  It is a busy time of year for farmers, and just busy for a lot of people in general but we hope that more people will start to submit entries.

Although the total entries overall have been declining over the past few years it is still a wonderful show.

Glad Winners (Photos)

Dahlia Winners (photos)

List of Glad Winners @ Rumsey 2023

 2023 ADGS Winners: Glads
 Rumsey, August 30, 2023
  Name of GladiolusNAGC #Name of ExhibitorRibbon
 GreenGreen Star404Lorne McArthur1st
 YellowBananarama414Deb Hatt1st
 OrangeOlympic Flame425Deb Hatt1st
 Light PinkTampico463Lorne McArthur1st
 RedUnknown Terri-Lynn Dodd1st
 WhiteMystic Eyes305Lorne McArthur2nd
 WhiteWhite Cloud300Lorne McArthur1st
 Orange  Terri-Lynn Dodd1st
 SalmonMemento334Deb Hatt1st
 RedUnknown Eleanor Richmond1st
 RosePerforming Star363Deb Hatt1st
 PurplePurple Flora386Lorne McArthur1st and Champion Spike
 PurplePurple Flora386Lorne McArthur2nd
 Black RedBlack Sea358Lorne McArthur1st and reserve champion
 WhitePolar Bear300Deb Hatt1st
 WhiteLavendar Fiate205Deb Hatt2nd
 YellowTweetie Bird115Deb Hatt1st
 YellowMystic Eyes305John Henderson2nd – wrong class
 YellowMystic Eyes305Deb Hatt3rd – wrong class
 OrangeSunny Ruffle221Terri-Lynn Dodd1st
 OrangePyro225Deb Hatt2nd
 SalmonUnknown234Terri-Lynn Dodd1st
 RoseUnknown Deb Hatt1st
 SmokeyCreole Spice197Deb Hatt1st  
3 spikesWhiteMystic Eyes305Lorne McArthur1st
 WhitePolar Bear300Deb Hatt2nd
 GreenGreen Star404Lorne McArthur1st
 OrangeOlympic Flame425Deb Hatt1st
 PinkTampico463Lorne McArthur1st
 RedUnknown Terri-Lynn Dodd1st
 PurplePurple Flora386Lorne McArthur1st

List of Dalia Winners @ Rumsey 2023

Dahlia Winners at the 2023 Rumsey, Alberta Show
Section Name of DahliaADS# Name of Exhibitor1st, 2nd, gold, red rosette, head tableADS1st place
125L AA  LightBen Huston111AA ID BRTerri-Lynn Dodd1styes1
125DAA DarkZorro107AA ID DRLorne McArthur1styes1
 AA DarkZorro107AA ID DRDebbie Hatt2ndyes0
126LA LightCafé Au Lait2104B ID PkMike Walliser1styes1
144DBB Cactus or SC DarkNuit D’ete3307BB C DRTerri-Lynn Dodd1styes1
146LPompon LightIrish Embers6212P FLTerri-Lynn Dodd1styes1
 Pompon LightNorman Lockwood6204P PKRon Dodd2ndyes0
146DPompon DarkMoon62? Ron Dodd1stno1
 Pompon DarkMoon62? Terri-Lynn Dodd2ndno0
147LBall Light (3 blooms)Sylvia  Terri-Lynn Dodd1stno1
147DBall Dark (3 blooms)Salsa Ball   Lorne McArthur1stno1
148CollaretteJenalta Jack9007CO DRDebbie Hatt1styes1
  Wowie9006CO RDebbie Hatt2ndyes0
  Pooh9015CO BI Debbie Hatt3rdyes0
149OrchidHonka9202O YTerri-Lynn Dodd1styes1
  Midnight Star9207O DRLorne McArthur2ndyes0
  Honka9202O YRon Dodd3rdyes0
150NoveltyTwizzle7606NX RTerri-Lynn Dodd1styes1
  Twizzle7606NX RRon Dodd2ndyes1
151WaterlilyPatricia Ann’s Sunset7306WL RTerri-Lynn Dodd1styes1
152LLaciniatedTsuki Yori No Shisha2501B LC WTerri-Lynn Dodd1st & Kingyes2
  Just Married2510B LC LBRon Dodd2ndyes0
  Just Married2510B LC LBTerri-Lynn Dodd3rdyes0